Today’s assignment was NOT Organize a Closet – I completely went off the rails. But for good reason!. The assignment was actually to Reset My Living Room. Here is my cooped-up, crazy logic here.
- We just came out of December…which was Evelyn’s birthday and Christmas. THERE WAS STUFF EVERYWHERE. Christmas decorations and loads and loads of new toys for both events. I already minimized everything that I possibly could in my living room and still leave it functional for two adults and a toddler. There are very few decorations or non-necessities.
- We do have a bookcase that has some books, board games, and a few heirlooms. I am actually open to moving these out of the room for a bit…however I literally have no place to temporarily stow things. Except for…
- The closet in the office! That would be a great place to store some stuff temporarily. It is a goddamned shit show…
So I decided to organize a closet.
So that I could eventually refresh my living room. See, it makes sense.
(Sorry for the inane inner-monolog blather. Normally I’d keep all my ridiculous justifications to myself, but you see, I’m cooped up in the house for Omonicron and CJ works in the evenings – so I’m just gonna overshare, okay? Alternatively, I could just tell it all to the cat. I might do that anyway.)
Closet Re-Organized!
It took about two hours (again) to tear up the closet, determine if everything should stay, and put it all back in a better way. And there is still more to do. So far, I managed to get rid of a few things (that felt nice), discard annoying excess hangers, and put everything back in a way that makes more usability sense. (I definitely did not get rid of coats. Someday I will leave the house again and I’ll want to be warm AND cute.)

And after….

Again, I’m concerned that the before and after photos don’t do it much justice – but it really is more organized! Our nerd projects (Legos and models) are accessible but out of the way. The heavy files are now on the floor so that we don’t have to heft them over our heads, and family heirlooms are now up high and out of the way. Also, the coats look nicer.
I have a goal to make it look even better, but this is a fine start. Bonus, I knocked out another project on my list!