Ultimate Vacuuming Power…in an itty bitty living space… (Yes, that was a reference to Aladdin. I was a child of the 90s, ok?) I’m sure I’ve mentioned it, but I’ll say it again: My husband and I live in a very small (and very fabulous) loft, so we’re always looking for ways to conserve space […]
Product Review: The Anti Cat Barf Device

I have two cats with two distinctly different feeding requirements. Roxie Loves to Eat Roxie is a fat cat. Her favorite hobby is what one might call “gorge and purge“. The rules of this activity are simple: Eat really, really fast. Relocate from hardwood to carpet. Barf all recently consumed food onto aforementioned carpet. Return […]
Cats are the Best Part of Dying

Unlucky me, I caught one of the plagues going around the office. I spent the last two days in bed accompanied by the giant wad of mucus in my face, a sporadic fever, and two cats. Though I was drifting in and out of consciousness, I did notice how differently my cats behave on days […]
Goodbye, Dear Friend

The Universe’s greatest cruelty is that we outlive our animals. That’s what Jamie said to me at the vet clinic on Thursday as we watched Fatty quietly take his last few breaths. In that cold, empty moment, his statement echoed in my head and the sterile room seemed to spin. The blood rushed from my […]
One of my biggest fears is that having three cats makes me completely un-date-able. When I meet a potentially interesting fellow, I generally try to avoid the topic of pets all together in an attempt to avoid this conversation: Potentially Interesting Fellow: So, any pets or anything? Dogs? Cats? Beta? Me: I have cats. How […]
Cats and My Health
I left LA this weekend to escape the noise and spend some time on the central coast with friends. Unfortunately, I spent about two hours of my mini vacation in the ER. Mystically, two hundred miles away from my house and my cats, my crazy cat lady aura still managed to cling to me. The […]
Chronicles of a Crazy Cat Lady – Introduction
I am a twenty six year old female and I live alone. Well, that’s not entirely true: I live with three cats. How is it, you might ask, that someone who is only twenty six has already succumbed to this cliché lifestyle? Glad you asked. That is exactly what this blog is designed to figure […]