Disclaimers A few things you should know before we proceed: I am not a “good” dancer. I know enough to accomplish exactly two things: Competently social dance with almost any leader of Lindy Hop, East Coast Swing, and (sort of) Balboa. Understand exactly how good I will never be. The really good dancers are people who dedicate […]
Maia’s Baby Shower

My Lovely Friend Maia came to Seattle about a month before me. Our situations were very similar in that we both moved here from California to live with our respective dream dudes – who happen to be close friends. Over the three years we’ve lived here, Maia has become one of my most favorite […]
Played on Valentine’s Day? WHAT?!
Commercial holidays are exhausting…so essentially that means ALL holidays are exhausting. Valentine’s day comes with even MORE pressure than most, especially for women, because if you don’t have a cheesy, sweet, sizzling romantic evening with the man of your dreams, it pretty much means you’re a hag, loved by no one. So what do you […]
Holier Than My Friend Count
I recently read this article on Mashable about women and their Facebook friends. While I can only really relate to two or three of the categories of Facebook friends defined, I do believe an important one was left out: Holier-Than-Thou. The Drama Queen and One-Upper are indeed annoying, but the type of Facebook friends I […]
Goodbye, Dear Friend

The Universe’s greatest cruelty is that we outlive our animals. That’s what Jamie said to me at the vet clinic on Thursday as we watched Fatty quietly take his last few breaths. In that cold, empty moment, his statement echoed in my head and the sterile room seemed to spin. The blood rushed from my […]