I typically think of my bedroom as the one place in the house that is consistently clutter and stress-free. However, as I assessed the bedroom for this project, I realized it may have gotten a little messy and I just didn’t notice. Time to declutter the bedroom! So much stuff had accumulated on and around […]
January Cure: Day 5 – Roborock S7 Rocked It

Day 5 was a good one! Deep clean all the floors and treat myself to flowers. Again, this is an area where I think our typical OCD made things a bit easier for me…and I’m thankful for it since we have plenty of open floor space. We have robot vacuums on each floor to help […]
January Cure: Day 4 – Toss Expired Items

I wish I could take credit for our house being mostly void of expired items, but I can’t. CJ is really great about making sure that all of our food, medications, and cleaning supplies are within “use by” dates. I am, however, really glad that Apartment Therapy mentioned cosmetics in the Day 4 guidance! I’m […]
January Cure: Day 3 – Make an Outbox – and Progress!

Outbox The basic gist of Day 3 of the January Cure was to make an outbox and put one thing in it. I get it. Start small. You don’t have to get rid of the thing. I feel like this works well for folks who don’t LOVE to purge the way I do. So naturally, […]
January Cure: Day 2 – Make a Home Project To-Do List

After yesterday’s slight overachievement – de-cluttering five drawers instead of one – today I am going to ONLY do the list. (Although, there’s a not-so-small part of me that wants to take on a few more drawers tonight!) Ok…so make a home project to-do list. Sweet. I’m a game producer; lists are my life. According […]
Planning My Chair Project

About seven years ago, I bought four of these chairs from a store in Glendale. I love these chairs. They’re so delightfully midcentury mod and happy. (The photo really doesn’t do it justice as the lighting is horrible and Roxie wouldn’t get out of the way.) The Chrome Lining… Recently, one of them broke […]
Domestic Warrior: Fall Purging

Winter is coming. And that means it’s time to prepare for spending more time inside the condo. Time to get rid of stuff! I purge every fall, but I’m often left feeling unsatisfied. No matter how much I get rid of, it never feels like enough. This fall I’ve taken on a new strategy. Instead […]
Life Book

I like to keep busy. Like…really busy. Ok, maybe not as busy as CJ…but I do have a full time job in tech, Meg’s Retro Cookies, and dancing. I also try to get in an hour of exercise everyday – it helps compensate for the cookies. I also really enjoy reading fiction, which unfortunately is […]
Heidelberg Closed, Anchors Away
What’s in a Home? Four and a half years ago, I wrote about the concept of “home” and why I find it complicated. I closed the post, essentially by pussing out, and claiming that home meant ALL THINGS. The truth is, it was my cowardly way of pretending to grasp something that continued to elude […]
Home. One syllable. So much meaning. I’ve been on a quest, for several years now, to find my home. The meaning of “home” and all its implications has been rather problematic for me. A while back, I took a poll in my blog asking you to vote on what “home” means. I believe it went […]