Leveling Up! Thankfully, there’s a lot more to being a “woman in tech” than sexual harassment and missed opportunities. If you’re at the right company and you have the right attitude, there’s a vast amount of space to grow, both professionally and personally. I can enthusiastically say that my time at MySpace was an extremely […]
old technology
The First Was Worst

My first tech job was in 2007 at YellowPages.com, which had just been purchased by AT&T. It was also my first – and worst – experience with unabashed sexism in the workplace. I had just moved to LA (the land of infinite opportunity) from San Luis Obispo (the land of you’re-lucky-if-you-make-a penny-over-minimum-wage). After having spent […]
Life Book

I like to keep busy. Like…really busy. Ok, maybe not as busy as CJ…but I do have a full time job in tech, Meg’s Retro Cookies, and dancing. I also try to get in an hour of exercise everyday – it helps compensate for the cookies. I also really enjoy reading fiction, which unfortunately is […]
Ode to My Fitbit

Technically Perfect…for me. I love my Fitbit One. It’s been essentially glued to me since the day I got it. I chose this particular Fitbit for three reasons: It had a visible display with actual numbers reflecting what I’ve done during the day (as opposed to arbitrary light-up dots). I can wear it in my bra […]
A Relevant Rotary Phone

I think rotary phones are charming and fun. Unfortunately, there just doesn’t seem to be much use for them in the modern world of tiny, powerful, pocket-sized computers that not only make calls, but also start your car, stream music, and give you blow-by-blow directions to anywhere. I thought the rotary phone would be gone […]
Eulogy for My Yahoo! Email Account
I work in the tech industry, therefore, I must always have the coolest new gadget, the hottest smartphone, and use the trendiest web apps. Yes? Hmm…no. There are many cases where I find myself clinging to older technology just because I’m reluctant to abandon something that works well enough for something slightly faster and shinier. […]