Note: This is part 3 of a series. To catch up, check out Domestic Warrior: Retail Project Part 1, Nordstrom BP Shoes and Domestic Warrior: Retail Project Part 2, Nordstrom Salon Shoes. Macy’s I like Macy’s. There was always something about the history of the store that I found charming – probably the rerun commercials featuring Bob Hope. Prior […]
Meg Chaney
Retail Project Part 2, Nordstrom Salon Shoes

Alright! Here we go with part 2! If you need to catch up, check out Domestic Warrior: Retail Project Part 1, Nordstrom BP Shoes After BP Shoes, Pam and I made a bee line straight for Salon Shoes… Salon Shoes Grade: A+ We browsed for less than two minutes when a very attentive salesperson, Andres B, found […]
Retail Project Part 1, Nordstrom BP Shoes

I’ve been dying to do this project for what seems like ages – and last Sunday, Pam and I were finally able to embark on our adventure. As you all know, I’ve been fascinated with American consumerism for quite some time – I’m always trying to dig into why it’s so ingrained in our culture […]
Easy Recipe: Cinnamon-Orange Almond Tea Latte

First World Tea Problems As someone who is newly vegan and caffeine-lite, I’m still trying to hard to form new habits. One of my favorite habits was enjoying a nice cup of coffee at one of our many brilliant Seattle coffee shops, or savoring the gourmet concoctions CJ would make for me on a Saturday […]
End of the No Pants Policy Season

Goodbye, Summer. Hello, Pants. Fall is officially here. The trees are changing, the breeze has a bit of a bite to it, and the Pumpkin Spice Latte People have emerged with their scarves and oversized sweaters. Also the cats have decided it’s time to sleep under the covers instead of on top of them. So […]
Capsule Wardrobe???

Notice: This is not a new concept! The Capsule Wardrobe has been sweeping the Interwebs for a while now. I’ve just been really slow to form my opinion around it – partially because there are so many differing rules and philosophies, and partly because I like having lots of clothes. Options, friends! Options. That said, I […]
Meg’s Lindy Shoe Review

I give my shoes a lot of attention. They’re in a good number of my Good Morning, Seattle photos and they have their own galleries on my blog. But I never photograph my dance shoes! Partially because I don’t wear them on my morning walks, and also because they are often…well worn. In the seven years […]
Planning My Chair Project

About seven years ago, I bought four of these chairs from a store in Glendale. I love these chairs. They’re so delightfully midcentury mod and happy. (The photo really doesn’t do it justice as the lighting is horrible and Roxie wouldn’t get out of the way.) The Chrome Lining… Recently, one of them broke […]
Cats Let Themselves Go After Marriage

The Honeymoon is Over… We’ve only been married three and a half years and the cats have officially let themselves go. I guess I should be grateful they kept it together for as long as they did before they stopped putting any effort into appearances or manners. If they had shown CJ all of their dirty […]
Domestic Warrior: Fall Purging

Winter is coming. And that means it’s time to prepare for spending more time inside the condo. Time to get rid of stuff! I purge every fall, but I’m often left feeling unsatisfied. No matter how much I get rid of, it never feels like enough. This fall I’ve taken on a new strategy. Instead […]