A Pants Free Tradition I’m approaching my fifth summer of no pants policy, and I am so excited. It is by far my favorite challenge and I’m pretty sure I’ll do this the rest of my life. And this year, I’d like to ask you to join me! The parameters are simple. For a solid […]
Shopping Abstinence Ends

Whew…experiment over! Guess what? It didn’t actually kill me. (If you need a refresher on the details and goals of this endeavor, please check out Shopping Abstinence.) So here’s how it went down. Easier Than I Thought My hypothesis was that this experiment would be a lot like torture. After all, how could I possibly […]
Retail Project Part 3, Macy’s

Note: This is part 3 of a series. To catch up, check out Domestic Warrior: Retail Project Part 1, Nordstrom BP Shoes and Domestic Warrior: Retail Project Part 2, Nordstrom Salon Shoes. Macy’s I like Macy’s. There was always something about the history of the store that I found charming – probably the rerun commercials featuring Bob Hope. Prior […]
Retail Project Part 1, Nordstrom BP Shoes

I’ve been dying to do this project for what seems like ages – and last Sunday, Pam and I were finally able to embark on our adventure. As you all know, I’ve been fascinated with American consumerism for quite some time – I’m always trying to dig into why it’s so ingrained in our culture […]
Capsule Wardrobe???

Notice: This is not a new concept! The Capsule Wardrobe has been sweeping the Interwebs for a while now. I’ve just been really slow to form my opinion around it – partially because there are so many differing rules and philosophies, and partly because I like having lots of clothes. Options, friends! Options. That said, I […]
Meg’s Lindy Shoe Review

I give my shoes a lot of attention. They’re in a good number of my Good Morning, Seattle photos and they have their own galleries on my blog. But I never photograph my dance shoes! Partially because I don’t wear them on my morning walks, and also because they are often…well worn. In the seven years […]
Shopping Small, pt 3

So today is the first day where I officially purchase exclusively from small businesses. Excited and nervous! A Final Goodbye to Old Habits… I’m still sick, so yesterday, my last hurrah Amazon style was to order some home necessities from Prime Now that I didn’t feel well enough to go out and purchase. It didn’t go well. […]
Special Delivery: Caffeine to Face

Waste Not Last January, I made several resolutions – most of which I don’t remember. The one I DO remember was my resolution to be less wasteful. As a person who frequents coffee shops, I was tossing out multiple paper cups per day. At work, we have paper plates and plastic(corn)ware that are often chosen over the […]
Shopping Small

Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude One thing I love about Seattle is how it likes to support local and small businesses. There is something about the culture here that is conscientious and likes to help out the little guys. We do also have a touch of the hipster up here, so that maybe a […]
Lucky Brand Customer Service Fail

I love Lucky Brand. No no…you don’t understand. I REALLY love Lucky Brand. To give you an idea of how much I love Lucky Brand, here are a couple photos of my current Lucky closet: Here’s the grand tally: 7 pairs of jeans (of course not including the umpteen pairs I owned previously and were […]